5 reasons new immigrants find it hard to get a high-income job in Canada

hard to get a high-income job in Canada

Each year, Canada welcomes many immigrants from different parts of the world in hundreds of thousands. As immigrants settle into the country, they begin the job search to meet their needs and expenses. Most of these immigrants find it hard to get a high-income job in Canada. If this is you, it makes you wonder what you are doing wrong or why it is so difficult to get a good enough job.

As one who serves immigrants, helping them earn a high income, I see the frustration, and confusion they have concerning getting a job. As a result, I have written this article to share five (5) common reasons a new immigrant may find it hard to get a high-income job in Canada.

New immigrants have little to no idea of the Canadian job system and work culture

Once an immigrant understands the Canadian job system and work culture, they can better prepare and position themselves for that job role they are looking to get.

Canadians prioritize value and hard work. They want to assign tasks to you and know you have the right skills and initiative to handle them. They want to be sure that you can take responsibility and show initiative on what to do, without being told by your boss.

If you come from a country where you are told what to do, this can affect how you position yourself on your resume. It can also affect how you communicate what you do during interviews.

Secondly, Canadians are big on soft skills. Hard skills are necessary, but soft skills can take you farther. Soft skills like problem-solving, communication, leadership, teamwork, etc., are cherished in the workplace. If you lack these skills or fail to communicate them in your job applications, you reduce your chances of landing that job.

Finally, networking is important when it comes to landing a job. For some reason, some immigrants fail to mention they are looking for a job or the job role they are looking to fill. Tell your network you are open to a particular job role. Also, as an immigrant, try as much as possible to go out of your way to meet people. Join groups of common interest, You will learn interesting things, and opportunities you might not have gotten from anywhere. I encourage you to learn more about the Canadian job system and work culture.  download the ebook THE BEST WAY TO LAND A JOB OF $75K AS A NEW IMMIGRANT IN CANADA: Learn How the Job System in Canada Works.

New immigrants do not have enough “Canadian work experience”

As an immigrant on a job search, you have probably heard this before “I’m sorry, but you do not have enough Canadian work experience”. Most people think Canadian work experience refers to working in a company in Canada. Although that can be it, that is not all of it.

When employers talk about Canadian work experience, they are referring to your knowledge of the work culture in Canada. Think about this. Sometimes you get called for an interview even when your resume clearly shows you have not worked in a company in Canada. However, after the interview, you are told you have no Canadian work experience. The reason could be that you failed to show adequate knowledge of the Canadian work culture, which is most likely different from your home country.

Canadians want a smooth work environment. Someone who understands the work culture will fit in well into that environment. To land a role, you need to learn more about the work culture and improve your soft skills.

You do not know how to write valuable and relevant resumes

Resumes speak for you when you are not in the room. When crafting your resume, you need to show you are a person of value. You need to use the keywords/terms the recruiters look for. You also need to highlight crucial soft skills.

Do not write long resumes of more than two(2) pages. Do not put irrelevant information and experiences. Make sure your resume is written according to the Canadian standard. You can ask a Canadian or someone who has been in Canada for a long time and knows the job system well to look at your resume and give you feedback.

If you need help writing a good resume, download our resume revamp guide.

No Canadian professional license or upgraded Canadian certificate

If you are a professional with a regulated professional body, you need to get licensed in Canada. That way, employers know you understand how the job works in Canada.

Another beneficial thing you could do that will help your chances of landing a good job in Canada is to add a Canadian certificate to your qualifications. This certificate could be in the form of a diploma from a Canadian University. Obtaining this will let employers know you know how the job works in Canada, and the work culture as well.

If you can, you could add to your existing skill set and learn a new skill. It could be a hard or soft skill. You could also learn a new language, take a certification course, etc. Doing this will help your chances of getting a job in Canada.

Be patient

When looking for a job, you have to be patient. It is hard because bills are coming in, and you need to start earning income. To get some money that will help you with your bills in the meantime, you can get your hands on any job you see, while you continue to position yourself appropriately for the job market. You could also take advantage of publicly available job placement services provided by the government. Click here to learn more.

Working any job you get your hands on, will help you network more and get much of the desired Canadian work experience. In due time, you will land a good job. Do not be discouraged.

If you like to know more about earning a high income in Canada, download the ebook THE BEST WAY TO LAND A JOB OF $75K AS A NEW IMMIGRANT IN CANADA: Learn How the Job System in Canada Works.

7 thoughts on “5 reasons new immigrants find it hard to get a high-income job in Canada”

  1. Seriously this article was really helpful. The one thing that stood out for me s the breed to follow up with the places I spooled and the people I speak to when I network.

      1. Wow! Simply amazing. This article is loaded. It is not only applicable to Canada but also to any job seeker. Every single tip counts.

  2. Blessing Badmos

    I found this article very helpful and spot on. I am presently at this juncture, “you do not have enough canadian experience …….. but this article lets me know I am not alone and with patience, consistency I will get there. Thanks for this article.

    1. Aww – Yes I agree with you that patience is needed on this journey to getting to Canada. With time and focus you will be able to get to where you need to be. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  3. Wow! This is simply amazing! Not only is this applicable to those in Canada but also to any job seeker.

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