Who is a career coach and what do they do?

Who is a career coach, and what do they do?

Who is a career coach?

According to one of the best global job websites, Indeed, “A career coach is a development professional who helps people adjust and improve their career paths through one-on-one guidance and advice.”

So if you are stuck between a rock and a rigid wall, trying to find a new job, changing careers, or working towards a promotion, then maybe you should consider getting a career coach.

Now you know that a career coach specializes in guiding and advising people in making the perfect career choices, you can now ask, “What do they do?“.

What do they do?


A career coach gives you what no one else has to offer, and that’s Professional Advice. They start by helping you identify what you’d like to do professionally, where you are at the time of the identification process, and where you see yourself going in the future. They help you evaluate your skills, characteristics, qualities, and interests by conducting a personality assessment which would help you understand the jobs and industries you’d excel the most.

Maybe after reading this, you feel like, “Oh, I can do this.”

“It’s not that much of a deal.”

“I don’t need a career coach.”

You see, that’s not entirely true. A career coach does much more than help you identify your professional chasms. They extensively help in your professional development. They incorporate techniques and strategies that’d skyrocket your career in the business world. So this is why you should get a career coach. There’s so much insight they will give on how to manage your life as a professional and reach your career goals. Whether you are an entry-level, mid-level, or expert professional, we all need help making the right career decisions sometimes, and it’s good we have career professionals who’d be willing to help.

Helping you define your goals

Have you ever heard of the term SMART goals? Career coaches help you have a concise and long-term plan that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They allow you to set realistic goals for your career by outlining, eliminating and highlighting steps that would boost your career to its peak.

Building your Resume

A good or bad resume can make or break your career. Often, people fail to realize the importance of having a good resume. Having a clear and concise resume can help highlight your skills, background, and experience, allowing employers to have a good impression of who you are as a professional. A career coach can help you build a good resume. They usually look out for the structure and format of your resume and improve on them. They ensure it’s professionally structured and highlights your best experiences, skills, and educational certifications.

Interview Rehearsals

We all can relate to the joy of being called back for a job. However, most of us don’t scale through the interview stage. It’s like that good old saying, “many are called, but only a few are chosen.” A career coach helps you with your job interviews by conducting interview practice.

Career coaches tailor your interview practice to your specific profession and groom you on interview etiquette and professionalism. During the interview practice, they point out things to take note of and show you things to do instead. They give feedback on your general performance throughout the interview practice, which will help you know where to improve before the main interview arrives. They help you choose the appropriate language, teach you how to remain calm and show you how to comport yourself on the outside during an interview, even though you might be nervous on the inside.

Knowing what to do and say during interviews can take you one step closer to getting that job you want.

Creating a Career Plan

90% of people who are actively working lack a career plan. They work 9-5 without any specific goal in mind but to make some income. They don’t know when they deserve a promotion. They don’t even know if they should take courses to advance their skills or change the career path they are currently on. They simply work endlessly without a specific goal in mind.

However, to move forward, growth should be something everyone should desire. In life, there’s a place you want to see yourself, it could be working shorter hours or having a business of your own etc. The career plan your career coach makes will serve as a roadmap in achieving whatever goals or vision you have for yourself. This map would enable you to know when to ask for a raise, take courses, go for an opportunity or change a working habit that’s inhibiting your growth.

For instance, if you were employed by your company at a junior level, having a career plan simplifies your goals of getting to a senior level role. Before crafting out a personalized plan for you, the career coach

asks questions regarding your current position, skills and experiences, and where you aim to be. Having this knowledge will help the career coach determine what actions you would take to grow in your industry and workplace.


There’s so much importance in having a career coach. They teach you how to cope with setbacks, rejections, and unemployment. They groom you both mentally and physically on how to handle career-related stress and instability. They also provide personalized feedback on your professional development and mistakes. So, if you aren’t making the right career decisions, a career coach will guide you through getting it right. They are your window to career success.