The benefits of networking: How networking can impact your career.

The benefits of networking: How networking can impact your career.

In today’s world, you can’t have all the knowledge you need about your career. It would help if you had other people’s insight into how your business works. It would allow you to learn and unlearn things that would help you grow in your career.

There are myriad benefits of networking, especially as a career person. But before we delve into the benefits of networking in a career, let’s know what networking is all about.

What is Networking?

Networking is your interactions and conversations with people who share your career. These conversations are usually made with the intent of sharing information, improving your skill set, and monitoring the trends in your industry.

It’s the ability to use social skills to gather information about your business or career for growth.

Benefits of Networking

As a career person, networking is vital and can impact your career positively. So here are some of the benefits of networking.

Creating the right professional profile

Everyone has a professional profile. However, not all professional profiles are good. Some people have professional profiles that are mediocre and doesn’t depict their level of experience or skills in the right way.

Having the right professional profile is essential in your career. A professional profile is what your clients would see. It’s your boss’s knowledge and how valuable you’d be in the industry.

You may wonder, “how can I build a good professional profile?”.


That’s all you need to have a great professional profile.

You may also wonder, ” how can I network?”.

You can network by:

  1. Attending social events- Attending social events is essential. You get to meet professionals like you who share the same interest, skills, and knowledge.
  2. Don’t just be a taker, be a giver too! When people network, they usually forget that they should be contributing value as much as they receive value. Share as much information as you receive. After all, you are all there to learn.
  3. Attend Webinars, and seminars, link up with old friends, and utilize LinkedIn to source out similar career accounts like yours to follow. Join communities and be open to learning. Don’t be a know-it-all!

Adhering to all these networking steps would help shape your professional profile in a way that looks good.

Moreover, attending social events boosts your presence in your work industry. You can associate with top business executives, colleagues, and CEOs who have mastered the art of winning in the industry. All these things can’t be done if you don’t network. So when next you are invited to attend a business event, do well to attend.

Strengthening your business relationships.

Another benefit of networking is that you get to strengthen your business relationships.

There’s a saying that out of sight is out of mind, right?

That’s why you have to network so that that CEO you spoke to at that business event wouldn’t forget you.

Strengthen your relationships with former and present colleagues. Reach out to recruiters. Get closer to family members and friends who are in the same line of business. Attend industry meet-ups and volunteer in community events.

This way, you would constantly be around the people who can help you grow.

You get to receive career advice and support.

Networking leaves room for improvement. Attending social events enables you to interact with people at the top of the industry you have your career based. During the interaction, you exchange knowledge, information, and even new trends in the industry.

Remember, when you are at these types of events, don’t be only a taker but also a giver. Share your thoughts and knowledge on things as others do. Impact positively on others, and they impact positively on you.

Pitch yourself, discuss challenges and opportunities and give suggestions that could guide and support those involved in the conversation to grow in their career. You will receive as much value as you’ve provided.

Related: how to find a mentor

Increased visibility in your field

Ever wondered why the world seems to have people who fight tooth and nail to be seen? Social media influencers, YouTubers, Travel Vloggers, Musicians, and much more! It’s because the world has gone digital and is pretty fast-paced.

You snooze, you lose!

While these guys use cameras, social media, and other digital media to be seen. As a professional, you can’t do that—at least not entirely.

We know you are about to point out that Elon Musk stays on Twitter all day; however, remember that he already has a reputation and fame. While you, on the other hand, are trying to gain visibility.

Two different faces and scenarios. So don’t compare.

To gain visibility, you have to network. Networking, in this case, is your camera and ring light. Networking helps you gain visibility in your field, which creates multiple opportunities to excel at your work.

Attending professional events helps people see you and know the services you offer. To personalize the interaction between you and the person you are talking to, try to call them by their first names. Then proceed to build a relationship between the two of you that may last even after the event. This would help you get close contacts in your industry and visibility every time you attend a professional social event.


Networking is vital as a career person. Whether you work 9-5, are self-employed, or are freelancers, you need to network. Networking provides knowledge, information, and valuable contacts that can guide you throughout your career journey to success. You can’t get to the zenith of your career without the help of other professionals. So, to ensure you eliminate the number of mistakes and time you’d waste doing it alone, invite people who hold your hand through it all.