5 job interview tips you will find helpful

5 job interview tips you will find helpful

Nothing beats the feeling of being invited for an interview. That feeling of hope is second to none. However, most job seekers need better interview performance to scale to the next recruiting stage. You may need to do something right if you fall under the category of people who don’t get called back after multiple interviews. In this article, I’ll be offering 5 job interview tips you will find helpful in your next interview.

5 job interview tips you will find helpful

Prepare and rehearse

Being prepared in life places you a step above your peers. If you are invited for an interview, it’s best to prepare and rehearse. Don’t say, “I have gone for multiple interviews, so I’ll ace this!”. No matter how many interviews you’ve attended, interviews will always be hard. The difficulty with interviews comes with the fact that every recruiter doesn’t think the same, so the interview questions and responses needed may differ.

The best way to prepare for an interview is to do research. Research the company and why they are looking to hire someone new. Once you are satisfied with the information you’ve gotten from your research, rehearse your interview skills. Practice how you talk, as most recruiters tilt toward candidates with excellent communication skills. Practice your body posture and look confident. Learn how to stay positive and enthusiastic throughout the interview.

Be there on time

Most job seekers fail to be punctual for interviews and it’s baffling. Some candidates may have an interview slated for 10:00 am and would casually stroll in by 10:30 am. Leaving your house on time can help you save the time you’d spend looking for the interview location if you aren’t familiar with the area or happen to get lost. Getting there early, at least five to ten minutes, can help give you some time to fix your outfit, calm your nerves, and even make use of the restroom. Being punctual gives you room to observe the workplace dynamics. You could learn a thing or two while lounging around the interview premises.

Embrace punctuality as a job seeker because it speaks a lot about how you’d behave if you were hired. Will you come to work late? Will your boss be waiting for you? Will you walk 30 minutes into important meetings?

Most hiring managers look for diligent, punctual, and trustworthy candidates.

Develop a connection with your interviewer.

Many interview candidates don’t do this because of anxiety or the fear of coming off as a ‘know-it-all.’ Developing a connection with your interviewer is the best way to stand out, as there are many candidates with excellent qualifications like yours.

Applying this tip can be tricky because, as a candidate, you want to remain as professional as possible.

The best way to develop a connection with your interviewer is by paying rapt attention to everything they are saying and equally contributing to the conversation. You can mention some information about the company. For instance, you can talk about an event the company just hosted, or compliment the company’s work culture. Doing this shows that you are genuinely interested in working with the company and eliminates the possibility of you being apathetic.

Note: You can always get information from the company’s website, social media handles, or available news on the company.

You can also go as far as finding out the interviewer’s name before the interview day. The interviewer would most likely be more pleased with candidates who have gone as far as trying to know their names. However, don’t beat yourself up if you can’t find their names. Make sure you pay attention during introductions and jot down their names if you are forgetful.

Building rapport with your recruiter gives off the vibe that you would be a good fit for the company’s work culture and would likely get you hired.

Relax during the interview.

Interviews are usually tensed. However, an excellent trick to performing well during interviews is staying calm. Though nerve-wracking, try to control your anxiety as much as possible. Your body language says a lot about your confidence. That’s why it is highly recommended you practice how to remain confident and calm before your interview time.

There are ways to look confident even though you don’t feel confident inside.

  1. Hold your interviewer’s gaze while answering the interview questions.
  2. Listen before you answer. Not paying attention before answering questions will lead to you providing incorrect answers or going off point.
  3. Don’t cut off your interviewer if they are still talking.
  4. Calmly think out your response before talking to avoid stuttering.

Be Respectful

Be respectful to everyone you meet at the interview location. Often, candidates may be rude or disrespectful. Talking down on people you think are not essential staff may ruin your hiring chances. Just imagine the guy or lady you were rude to turn out to be your interviewer.

How embarrassing would that be!

Be kind to the security personnel, the front desk staff, or anyone you meet at the parking lot. Treat everyone as you would with the hiring manager.

BONUS TIPS: Endeavor to carry a copy of your resume and your portfolio (if you are a photographer), and remember to ask the interviewer the next step you should take after the interview. Never badmouth your previous employers no matter how you were treated at your former job. If asked why you left your last job, even though you were treated poorly, try as much as possible to remain kind, yet honest.

Related: 7 job search mistakes you never want to make


No matter how much you prepare, interviews are unpredictable. Based on its unpredictability, the best thing to do is research and rehearse. That’s the only way you would perform well. Utilize these helpful tips, and you may land a job after your next interview. Even though you don’t get called back, keep doing your best at every interview.